Types of campaigns with conversion objective on Linkedin

As we all knowsuch as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Linkedin… is always based on objectives, which allow us to focus on the goals we want to achieve. That is why choosing the right one is one of the most important actions when creating a campaign.

In this case, on LinkedIn , there are objectives focused  .  Therefore,  on any moment in which the user is in the purchasing process, starting with brand .  Recognition and ending with the conversion itself.

Table of Contents

Various objectives to use in your LinkedIn campaigns

On this platform we find several options to establish different objectives.

  • Awareness : As the name suggests, these are campaigns in Israel Mobile Number List the early  Therefore,  stages of any funnel, based primarily on impressions.
  • Perception : They encourage the user to carry out an action, such as visiting the website, watching a video or even interacting with a publication.
  • Conversion: These campaigns focus on lead generation and the ability to track conversions made by the user on the website (e.g. filling out a form).
  • Phone Number List

All of them are . Equally important when carrying out a strategy. In this case, we will focus on “ conversion ” campaigns since they .  Are the ones in which we achieve a specific action on the part of the user and we get closer to or .  Achieve the final objective of the purchasing process.

Types of Linked i n campaigns with conversion objectives

Lead Generation

This type of campaign is ideal for you if your goal is lead generation. 

The lead generation campaign is .  Ased to fied potential customers on Therefore,  LinkedIn through an advertisement with a contact form.

The campaign will be shown to those users who are most likely to fill out a form on Linkedin , taking into account the Brazil Phone Number List audience segmentation that has been profiled for said campaign.

Ad Formats

These are the different ad formats that can be used for this type of campaign.

*It is worth remembering that InMails and Conversation Ads are excluded for the EU

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