The Dutch House of Representatives elections are just around the corner! Due to the corona pandemic, politicians cannot conduct their election campaigns on the streets this time. That is why it is more important than ever for political parties to be visible online. In addition to social media, the party’s own website is an important billboard and sanctuary to proclaim its ideology. Let’s therefore take a look at how the websites of the current political parties in parliament perform organically and for which striking (and surprising) search terms they are found in Google.
Number of visitors to political party websites
How many organic visitors do the websites of the political parties receive?
The visitor numbers show that the CDA website gets the Mortgage Protection Telemarketing Leads organic visitors, followed by Forum voor Democratie and D66. The second place of Forum voor Democratie is striking, because the website of that party is shown in the least different search queries (2170). No less than 92% of the total search traffic comes via ‘fvd’ or search terms containing ‘fvd’.
The three political parties that have the least organic visitors are SGP, DENK and 50Plus. Presumably the digital divide of the supporters of these political parties causes lower visitor numbers.
Political parties score on these searches
To better understand which search queries lead to traffic to leader lsg 17 signal generator manual websites, I have listed the most important search terms per party. In doing so, I did not look at search terms that included the party’s name, such as ‘VVD party program’, but at more general topics. Below you will find the most striking results.
SP ranks above Zoom
The SP has managed to obtain a featured snippet for a remarkable search query , namely ‘install zoom’. The Socialist Party page even ranks above the Zoom website itself.
SP stands for “install zoom” above Zoom
VVD: act normal!
The VVD cleverly plays on a frequently asked question, namely ‘when are the next elections?’. They have created their own landing page about that question.
VVD has special page about next elections
The VVD website also gets a lot of visitors who search for ‘act normal’. This slogan from the previous elections is still popular. For this search query, the VVD dominates the results page.
VVD dominates SERP for acting normal
PVV: positions on child pardon
The PVV is in position 7 for the gruesome search term ‘homicide offence’. The associated page is a parliamentary report. Another search query that attracts many visitors to the PVV is more suited to that party: ‘child pardon positions’ (position 2).
PVV ranks 2nd for child pardon positions
D66 scores with loan system and donor law
D66 also scores well on topics that are close to the party’s ideology. For example, you can find them in position 8 for ‘loan system’. The page about the donor law they themselves proposed is also in position 8 for the corresponding search query.
GreenLeft and CETA
GroenLinks manages to end up in position 10 of the search term ‘ceta’ with a dedicated landing page. That is the trade agreement between the EU and Canada. This makes it the only political party in the top 10.
PvdA and ‘Samuel Patty’
The PvdA ranks remarkably high (position 2) for ‘samuel patty’, the French teacher who was gruesomely beheaded by an Islamic extremist last year. That is striking, because the teacher’s name is Samuel Paty , with 1 t. The PvdA has spelled his name correctly on their page. But if you search for the correct name, you will no longer find the PvdA in the top 20.