Introverts: How to Succeed and Thrive in the World of Extroverts

Introverts make up between a third and a half of the world’s population.

If you are reading this right now, chances are you are an introvert.

In a quick survey of VDB’s audience, I discovered that around 70% of the people who follow us have this personality trait.

However, the world only sees extroversion as a desirable characteristic that should be pursued at all costs by those who DO NOT have it naturally.

A tremendous waste…

Introversion is not a social phobia, nor is it a limitation in any way.

Just a different way of experiencing the world.

And much more intense, since introverts are more sensitive to external stimuli.

Noises, crowds and lights affect Singapore Phone Number Data introverts much more, as they prefer silence and solitude.

Another thing that really bothers introverts is the constant comparison with extroverts…

You need to get out more.

If you don’t show your work, how will people know you’re good?

Learn to speak better in public if you want to get noticed.

You need to go to parties and events to meet more people.

Imagine if we all wanted to be heard and noticed.

Who would be left to pay attention?


Introverts don’t like people?

This is perhaps the biggest myth about us introverts.

Introverts are not cold, unfeeling and uncharismatic.

But by emphasizing the antisocial side of introverts (which is not true), we give the wrong impression about this personality type.

Defining a group of people by Brazil Phone Number List negative aspects only encourages what the current culture already preaches: that everyone should follow the standards of extroversion.


Instead of drawing attention to what we lack, how about showing the world the importance of introversion and the positive characteristics associated with this personality?

The good side of being an introvert
It’s hard to hear from childhood that your quiet ways are wrong and that to win a relationship, a job or a sale, you need to be like other people.

You need to expose yourself, do everything to attract attention and stand out and talk about yourself to be noticed.

Therefore, introversion seems like a defect or punishment.

Most introverts do not accept themselves as they are, seek to change at all costs and, therefore, do not see their strongest points, which are many:

1. Ease of working alone and being silent
Creativity is born in solitude.

Those who are constantly distracted by external elements, such as social networks, have more difficulty in diving into periods of immersion and are less likely to “hear” their own thoughts.

When we are alone, our minds do not spend energy dealing with non-work-related social issues.

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