Introversion is not a flaw: a call to all introverted digital entrepreneurs

Introversion is not a defect.

And consider someone who has a more reserved personality, focused on the inner world…

…and who doesn’t seek the spotlight for himself, like a person who needs fixing.

“You’re so quiet, aren’t you?”

Introverts are always confused with shy people.

Shyness is an excess of ego. You really think that Lebanon Phone Number Data everyone is ready to judge everything that comes out of your mouth, your writing or any of your actions.

It is the fear of social disapproval.

And can I say? There are countless shy extroverts out there…

I got rid of shyness by realizing that people are only concerned about themselves. No one is really paying attention to me, to you…

Want to stop being shy? Start focusing on what you can bring to others and forget about how you “appear” to them.

I swear…just change that key.

But returning to introversion, it is not always accompanied by shyness.

Extroverts are assertive and enjoy being surrounded by people and excitement. This is how they recharge their energy.

Introverts have social skills and express themselves well, but they don’t always like to be the center of attention.

And, most importantly, they need time alone to recharge their batteries.

But introversion has advantages that go unnoticed by most people…

The power of the quiet

Introversion, on the other hand, is just a way of being.

With its advantages and disadvantages.

Just like extroversion, its extreme opposite.

However, I saw my introversion as a disadvantage.

After all, you need to put yourself out there to build an audience, be an excellent leader, or create a successful company, right?

I thought so…

… until I read a book that changed Australia Phone Number List my view on the subject: “The Power of Quiet”.

Chances are good that you, as an introvert, have come across this book.

If you ever believed there was something about you that didn’t fit, it was true.

The ideal of extroversion is sold as the only “right way” to exist.

However, there is no right way to be.

And introverts are naturally:

More cautious, so they make better decisions.
They have greater emotional intelligence, recover better from stress and are flexible.
Because they enjoy spending more time alone, they are able to exercise their creative side better .
They are observant, good listeners and enjoy deep, philosophical discussions.
They are excellent leaders, contrary to popular belief, as they know how to recognize the talents of their team and are not afraid to let other people shine.
Although it is difficult to consider introversion a competitive advantage, due to the culture of extroversion, the list of millionaires and billionaires includes several introverts.


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