How to Overcome Your Fear of Selling: The Best Marketing for Introverts

Are you terrified of selling?

Every time you need to win a new client, negotiate a deal or record a sales video, do you feel that knot in your stomach?

I understand your fear.

He was mine once.

Largely because of statements like this:

“To grow your online audience you NEED Canada Phone Number Data to record videos. There is no other way to grow a digital business without appearing on camera.”

Have you heard this?

Today, you will learn about the other side of the coin.

At this point, stop and reflect:

Who told you that videos are mandatory?

Do you consider this person an extrovert?

It is likely so.

After all, it is more natural for them to communicate through videos than texts.

Likewise, you won’t know much about what is the most efficient way for introverts to communicate.

After all, they live within their own worlds, not exposing themselves at all times.

As a true introvert, I’m going to share a different perspective with you after 10 years of experience in the digital market and having published more than 3,000 posts, 500 articles and 300 videos.

And even our YouTube. All the videos there are written content transformed into videos.
Our most popular video with over 850k views is also our most popular blog article with 1 million people reached.

It’s not about recording videos. It’s about communicating well.

Some people do this masterfully by Cambodia Phone Number List  recording videos. Others do it by writing.

Forget about being a 6 in everything. Try to be a 9 in writing , even if you are a 3 in videos.

You will get much better results by doubling down on what is best than by trying to fit into the conventional model by improving what is worst.

It was this single insight that has seen my business double in size over the past two years by focusing exclusively on what I do best, writing.

There is a way of doing marketing that is perfect for introverts like you and me.

While it doesn’t necessarily involve recording videos or some other type of overexposure that’s out of character, it does require powerful writing.

And above average.

Being an introvert or even afraid of selling doesn’t mean your writing can be insecure.

Eliminate shyness from your writing
An insecure writer is a shy writer who uses passive, weak and big words in order to impress his reader.

When I was in college, I had a teacher who repeated the word “né” way too much.

There was so much repetition that one day my friends and I made a lottery.

The idea was to see who could come closest to the number of “nós” she said in a 1-hour class.

Final result: 124 “nés”.

My God!!!

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